November 23-24th, 2022

This year, the conference is held live in Amman, Jordan. There will be no virtual component, with participation limited to confirmed guests. The format aims to bring together border management professionals, face to face, in order to engage in dialogue on state-of-the-art developments, good practices and the latest trends and research related to the field of border governance. 

The main objectives of the conference are to address the following topics:

Practices and recommendations for strengthening operational capacity in professional and modern border management, with focus on the integrated border management approach in all its diversity and potential;
How changes in mobility, trade and technology could impact integrated border management.

Presentations and discussions will be held in English with simultaneous interpretation into Arabic and Russian.

Concept Note Registration


Day 1 / 23 November (Wednesday)

  • Session I: Opening session

    Chair Mr. Borut Eržen, Head of Programme, Border Management and Security, ICMPD

    9:00 – 16:00
    All Day Onsite Registration and Exhibition Hall

    Exhibition Hall / Networking Area (morning on 2nd floor, afternoon in front of RIWAQ Conference hall Ground Floor)
    Presentation corner
    Driving the Professionalisation: Potential applications in the field of Border Management.

    • Training Institute on Migration Capacity Partnerships for the Mediterranean
    • ICMPD Border Management initiatives worldwide
    10:30 – 14:00
    Pre-Conference parallel sessions: Capacity-focused overview of ICMPD Border Management actions in the Mediterranean region - promoting joint leadership and shared responsibility


    10:30 – 11:30 ZARA meeting Room (2nd floor): 

    Brainstorming session:

    Data collection and analysis a driver of modernisation in the field of Border Management

    10:30 – 11:30 AYLA meeting Room (2nd floor)

    Experience sharing:

    Professionalisation of capacities towards more gender and human right sensitive Border Management

    11:30 – 11:45 Coffee break and networking corners

    11:45 – 12:45 ZARA meeting Room (2nd floor)

    Document Security in Border Management

    Exchange of good practises in improvement of capabilities in the detection of fraudulent use of documents

    11:45 – 12:45 AYLA meeting Room (2nd floor)

    Case study

    Integrated Border Management is multi-dimensional governance in practice: Security agencies, Ministries, Civils Society and Private Sector engagement in the Maritime Strategy

    12:45 – 13:00 Coffee break and networking corners


    13:00 – 14:00 ZARA meeting Room (2nd floor)

    Awareness raising session:

    Multi agency Governance a driver of Integrated Border Management 

    13:00 – 14:00 AYLA meeting Room (2nd floor)

    Brainstorming session:

    Modernisation in Border Management: how can procurement better support Border Management?

    14:00 – 15:30
    Buffet Lunch and networking corners, Atrium Restaurant
    16:00 – 16:45
    Welcoming address and Key Note Speeches:

    RIWAQ conference room (Ground floor)

    • HE Mazin Abdellah Hilal Al Farrayeh, Minister of Interior, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
    • HE Maria Hadjitheodosiou, Ambassador, EU Delegation to Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
    • Martijn Pluim, ICMPD Director, Migration Dialogues and Cooperation
    16:45 – 17:00
    Introduction of the Conference agenda
    • Introduction of the Conference agenda: Chair
    • Family photo, all participants
    18:00 – 20:00
    Welcome Dinner at the Hotel's Burj Al Hamam Restaurant

    All participants are invited to the seated Welcome Dinner in the restaurant of the hotel 

Day 2 / 24 November 2022 (Thursday)

  • Session II: Panel discussions
    09:15 – 09:30
    Arrival and courtesy refreshment

    In front of RIWAQ conference room (Ground floor)

    9:15 – 17:00
    All Day Exhibition Hall / Networking Area

    In front of RIWAQ conference room (Ground floor)

    Presentation corner
    Driving the Professionalisation: Potential applications in the field of Border Management.

    • Training Institute on Migration Capacity Partnerships for the Mediterranean

    • ICMPD Border Management initiatives worldwide

    09:30 - 10:45
    Panel 1: The challenging and ever evolving world of border management

    RIWAQ conference room (Ground floor)

    Moderation: Ms. Monika Weber / Rapporteur: Mr. Jean- Yves Charriou

    • eu-LISA: Luca Tagliaretti, Executive Director: ‘Smart borders in the European Union – Challenges and opportunities’
    • Czech Republic: Lukas Vilim, Cyber Security Expert: 'New Challenges for Border Security in the Cyberspace'
    • Iraq: Ali Abd Alaziz Al-Yassery, Director General of the Joint Planning Centre, National Security Advisor: ‘Nexus between the national security and border management: national, regional, and international requirements and challenges’
    • Lithuania: Mr. Vaidas Cypas, Chief of the International cooperation department of the Lithuanian Border Guard Service: ‘Management of large-scale irregular migration in Lithuania, lessons learned’
    • Nigeria: Mohammad Aminu Mohammed, Deputy Comptroller General of the Nigeria Immigration Service in Charge of Border Management: ‘Mobility and Challenges of African Borders: A search for a Proactive Border Management System for Effective Global Security’
    10:45 - 11:15
    11:15 - 11:45
    Coffee break
    11:45 - 13:00
    Panel 2: Increasing relevance and benefits of the Integrated Border Management approach

    Moderation: Mr. Tony Mihaitoaia / Rapporteur: Mr. Vladimir Pisar

    • Lebanon: Brigadier General Youssef Haddad, Head of Border Control Committee: ‘Maritime Strategy and Integrated Border Management’
    • Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Brigadier General Awad Al-Shrafat, Director of the Residence and Borders Department, Public Security Directorate, title tbc
    • Ghana: Seidu Iddisah Iddrissu, Commissioner Customs, Ghana Revenue Authority: ‘Border Fusion Centres: Lessons from Ghana’
    • Kyrgyzstan: Artjom Babajev, Border Guards: ‘IBM with the focus on coordination mechanism at national level’
    • ICMPD: Mr. Borut Eržen, Head of Border Management and Security Programme: ‘ICMPD engagement in global border management dimension’
    13:00 - 13:30
    13:30 - 14:30
    Buffet Lunch and networking corners, Atrium Restaurant
    14:30 - 15:45
    Panel 3: Good practice examples that proved efficient in support to enhanced international cooperation

    RIWAQ conference room (Ground floor)

    Moderation: Mr. Lamine Abbad/ Rapporteur Ms. Rania Skaine

    • Ukraine: Andrii Vikhtyuk, Director of the Directorate of Work Organisation, Planning and Control, SBGS: ‘Modern Challenges to Global Security in the Context of Integrated Border Management in Ukraine’
    • Civil Aviation: Petr Zollman, Security and Emergency Response Planning Manager, Smart Wings: ‘Border Protection from the perspective of commercial airlines’
    • Tunisia: Saoussen Charfi, Counsellor, Ministry of Internal Affairs: ‘Tunisian approach on border management’
    • Pakistan: Umair Mahmood Siddiqui, Lead Expert, Pakistan Single Window Company: ‘Pakistan Single Window: Securing International Supply Chain through Cross border Data Exchange’
    • Training Institute on Migration Capacity Partnerships for the Mediterranean: Mr. Adrian Cooper, Head of the Training Institute: ‘The future of professionalised capacity development: an innovative redefinition of training through capacity partnerships’
    15:45 - 16:15
    16:15 - 16:30
    Conclusions and closing of the Conference
    • Baseem Al Dahamshah, Director of the Nationality, Foreigners Affairs and Investment Directorate, Ministry of Interior, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
    • Mr. Borut Eržen, ICMPD Head, Border Management and Security Programme
    16:30 - 17:00
    Courtesy refreshment and optional networking


H.E Mazen Al-Faraya

Minister of Interior of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Her Excellency Maria Hadjitheodosiou

Ambassador of the EU to Jordan

Martijn Pluim

Director, Migration Dialogues and Cooperation, ICMPD

Bassim Al Dahamshah

Director of the Nationality, Foreigners Affairs and Investment Directorate, Ministry of Interior, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Luca Tagliaretti

Executive Director a.i. of eu-LISA

Ali Abd Alaziz Al-Yasery, Ph.D.

Director General of the National Centre for Joint Planning at the National Security Council

Vaidas Cypas

Head of International Cooperation Board of the State Border Guard Service at the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania

Muhammad Muhammad Aminu, Ph.D.

Deputy Comptroller General of the Nigeria Immigration Service

Brigadier General Awwad Al-Shorofat

Director of the Border and Residency Department of the Public Security Directorate (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)

Youssef S. Haddad

Brigadier General, Lebanese Armed Forces

Seidu Iddrisu Iddisah

Acting Commissioner of the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority

Babaev Artem Georgievich

Head of the Strategic Development Unit and Military Scientific Work

Andrii Vikhtiuk

Director, Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Petr Zollman

Security and ERP Manager of Smartwings Airlines in the Czech Republic

Saoussen Charfi

Public Services Advisor, Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Tunisia

Umair Mahmood Siddiqui

Domain Officer, Pakistan Single Window

Adrian Cooper

Head of Migration Capacity Partnerships Training Institute (MCP Med TI)

Michael Spindelegger

Director General of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)

Lamine Abbad

Head of Office, ICMPD Jordan Office

Borut Eržen

Head of Programme, Border Management and Security, ICMPD

Monika Weber

Senior Advisor for BMS, ICMPD

Lukáš Vilím

Senior Officer, Police of the Czech Republic

Tony Mihaitoaia

Senior Border Management Specialist, ICMPD

Participating projects


Concept Notes

Concept Note - en
Concept Note - ru
Concept Note - ar
10:30-11:30 Learning Session on Professionalisation of Capacities: Gender and Human Rights Mainstreaming in Integrated Border Management - en
10:30-11:30 Learning Session on Professionalisation of Capacities: Gender and Human Rights Mainstreaming in Integrated Border Management - ar
10:30-11:30 Modernisation of Data Collection in Border Management
11:45-12:45 Maritime Strategy, Case Study
13:00- 14:00: Awareness raising session: Multi agency Governance a driver of IBM - en
13:00- 14:00: Awareness raising session: Multi agency Governance a driver of IBM - ar
13:00-14:00 Brainstorming session: Modernisation in BM - en
13:00-14:00 Brainstorming session: Modernisation in BM - ar


Panel 1: Mobility and Challenges of African Borders: A search for a Proactive Border Management System for Effective Global Security
Panel 1: Smart borders in the European Union – Challenges and opportunities
Panel 1: New Challenges for Border Security in the Cyberspace
Panel 1: Management of large-scale irregular migration in Lithuania, lessons learned
Panel 1: Nexus between the national security and border management: national, regional, and international requirements and challenges
Panel 2: Maritime Strategy and Integrated Border Management
Panel 2: Border Fusion Centres: Lessons from Ghana
Panel 2: IBM with the focus on coordination mechanism at national level
Panel 2: ICMPD engagement in global border management dimension
Panel 3: Border Protection from the perspective of commercial airlines
Panel 3: Tunisian Approach on Border Management
Panel 3: Pakistan Single Window: Securing International Supply Chain through Cross border Data Exchange


Conference Summary 2022