6th International Border Management Conference in Istanbul Republic of Türkiye

December 6 – 7th, 2023

The conference will take place in Istanbul, the Republic of Türkiye. It will be organised in person, so that participants can exchange and interact directly amongst each other, and attend the presentations, which will be delivered live at the venue. Only invited and registered participants will have access to the conference.

The main objectives of this conference are to update the audience about the recent policy or strategic developments in the main of relevance to integrated border management and suggest innovative solutions for improvement of border management worldwide. The attention will be focussed mostly on the efforts towards setting harmonised practices or approaches in support to enhanced cooperation and coordination at the borders. The conference will also be the occasion to share, present and discuss practices and methods for supporting actual and aligned implementation of these practices at multiagency level but also across borders.

Presentations and discussions will be held in English with simultaneous interpretation into Turkish, Arabic, and Russian.


RENAISSANCE POLAT ISTANBUL HOTEL, Sahilyolu Caddesi No: 2 Yeşilyurt-Bakırköy-İstanbul

December 6th (afternoon session) and December 7th (all day) 

Lunch is provided both days, and the official welcome dinner will follow the end of conference on the 6th of December. All attendees are welcome. 

Full details of location, schedule and logistics will be shared with registered guests only. If you are interested, please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

We look forward to meeting you in Istanbul.

Concept Note


Day 1 / 6 December 2023 (Wednesday)

  • 9:00 – 16:00
    On-site registration: RENAISSANCE POLAT ISTANBUL HOTEL, Sahilyolu Caddesi No: 2 Yeşilyurt-Bakırköy-İstanbul
    Pre-Conference parallel sessions
    10:30 – 11:30
    Meeting Room 1: Ballroom A
    Brainstorming session

    Role of technologies in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in border management:

    Moderator Mr. Emanuel Preda

    CZ: Mr. Lukas Vilim

    EST: Ms. Thea Sogenbits

    10:30 – 11:30
    Meeting Room 2: Ballroom B
    Experience sharing

    Fundamental rights and their application in border management:

    Moderator Ms. Selin Barutcuoglu

    DG NEAR: Ms. Helena Winiarska – Maguin

    SK: Ms. Petra Achbergerova

    LEB: Gen. Ziad Rizkallah, LAF

    11:30 – 11:45
    Coffee break and networking corners
    11:45 – 12:45
    Meeting Room 1: Ballroom A
    Case Study

    Fundamental rights in border management:

    Moderator Mr. William Huddleston

    FRONTEX: Mr. Duco van Heel

    DG NEAR: Ms. Helena Winiarska– Maguin

    11:45 – 12:45
    Meeting Room 2: Ballroom B
    Round Table Discussion

    Ethics and legal aspect in application of AI in border management:

    Moderator Mr. Borut Eržen

    CZ: Mr. Lukas Vilim

    EST: Ms. Thea Sogenbits

    12:45 - 13:00
    Coffee break and networking corners
    13:00 - 14:00
    Meeting Room 1: Ballroom A
    Awareness raising session

    IBM in the changed security landscape:

    Moderator: Mr. Vladimirs Zaguzovs

    ALG: Colonel Ali Derouiche, Territorial Group Commander of the National Gendarmerie, Ministry of National Defense: ‘The Algerian approach to border management and migration’

    LEB: Gen. Fadi Kfoury, LAF

    13:00 - 14:00
    Meeting Room 2: Ballroom B
    Brainstorming session

    How to ensure legal provisions on HR are implemented at the front lines of BM (HR monitors):

    Moderator: Mr. Tony Mihaitoaia

    LEB: Cpt. Jean El Etel, GS

    FRONTEX: Duco van Heel

    14:00 – 15:30
    Daphne restaurant (at hotel)
    Lunch and networking corners
    Session I: Opening session

    Chair Mr. Borut Eržen, ICMPD Head, Border Management and Security Programme

    16:00 – 16:45
    Conference room: Ballroom B
    Welcoming address and Key Note Speeches

    Ministry of Interior, Republic of Türkiye: Mr. Atilla Toros, President of the Presidency of Migration Management

    The Netherlands: Ms. Sietske Duller, Director for Migration Policy at the Netherlands Ministry of Justice and Security

    ICMPD: Mr. Michael Spindelegger, Director General

    16:45 – 17:00
    Conference room: Ballroom B
    Introduction of the Conference agenda

    Setting the scene: Ms. Sedef Dearing, Director MDC, ICMPD

    Introduction of the Conference agenda: Chair

    Group photo, all participants

    Conference Room Palandoken
    ICMPD welcoming dinner and cultural event

Day 2 / 7 December 2023 (Thursday)

  • Session II: Panel discussions

    Chair Mr. Borut Eržen, ICMPD Head, BMS Programme

    09:15 – 09:30
    Conference room Ballroom B
    Arrival and courtesy refreshment
    09:30 – 10:45
    Conference room Ballroom B
    Panel 1: ”Setting directions and good practice in border management” - Policy level

    Moderator Ms. Monika Weber, ICMPD Senior Advisor, BMS

    1. Ghana: Mr. Emmanuel Laryea Kwei, Ghana Immigration Service: ‘’GIS Strategic Planning, a policy tool for setting directions and good practice in border management”

    2. Nigeria: Mr. Paul Sunny Ogbeche,  Nigeria Immigration Service: ‘Support to West African States to improve border governance/ security and management’

    3. Slovakia: Ms. Petra Achbergerova, MoI: ‘Border management as a social challenge’

    4. FRONTEX: Mr. Duco Van Heel: ‘Safe Borders, safe people. Fundamental Rights at the External Border’

    5. UNIDO: Mr. Ashraf Abushady: "AI and Digital Innovations in Modern Border Management: Strategies for Enhanced Security and Efficiency"

    10:45 – 11:15
    Conference room Ballroom B
    11:15 - 11:45
    Conference room Ballroom B
    Coffee break
    11:45 - 13:00
    Conference room Ballroom B
    Panel 2:”What works well” – Implementation level

    Moderator Mr. Tony Mihaitoaia, ICMPD Senior Advisor, BMS

    1. Tunisia: Ms. Jaouadi Najet, Tunisia- Director General, Customs: ‘Tunisian Experience in Integrated Border Management’

    2. The Netherlands: Ms. Sietske Duller, Director for Migration Policy at the Netherlands Ministry of Justice and Security: ‘Implementation of the national integrated border management strategy’

    3. Lebanon: Brigadier General Amine Elkai, Head of Border Control Committee, Lebanese Armed Forces: ‘Integration of border communities’

    4. Czech Republic: Mr. Lukas Vilim: ‘Cyberspace as a new domain for border security and management’

    5. Riga Technical University- Mr. Normunds Rudzitis, Acting Head of Customs and Tax Department: ‘Strategic Vision and Future Trends’

    6. Romania: Ms. Georgiana Dornescu, Specialist Officer, MoI: "ROMANIAN PASSANGER INFORMATION UNIT development and way forward"

    13:00 - 13:30
    Conference room Ballroom B
    13:30 - 14:30
    Daphne restaurant (at hotel)
    14:30 - 15:45
    Conference room Ballroom B
    Panel 3: “Ways to get there” – Instruments and practices

    Moderator Mr. Tamer Kilic, ICMPD Head of the Türkiye and Western Balkans Regional Office

    1. Ghana Revenue Authority, Mr. Charles Lumor: ’Joint Mobile Team Concept in Ghana’’

    2. Estonia: Ms. Thea Sogenbits: ‘The integration of artificial intelligence in border management and its impact on border guard and customs processes’

    3. UNOCT: Mr. Gorancho Stojkovski ’UN Countering Terrorist Travel Programme – partnership based global initiative’

    4. FRONTEX: Ms. Monica Gariup- ‘What’s so special about European IBM? A guide for understanding key principles, concepts, and expectations’

    5. WCO: Mr. Jean- Yves Charriou: ‘Stronger together to address General Aviation threat- the COLIBRI Project’

    6. Migration Partnership Facility, Ms. Rebecca Adeline: ‘Funding opportunities for Borders & Security projects under the MPF Call for Proposals 2023’

    15:45 - 16:15
    Conference room Ballroom B
    16:15 - 16:30
    Conference room Ballroom B
    Conclusions and closing of the Conference

    Conclusions speech

    Türkiye: Mr. Ahmet Dalkıran, the Head of Department, Directorate General of Border Management, the Presidency of Migration Management

    Chair: Final word and closing of the Conference


    16:30 - 17:00
    Conference room Ballroom B
    Courtesy refreshment and optional networking


Sietske Duller

Director Migration Policy, Ministry of Justice and Security

Michael Spindelegger

Director General of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)

Sedef Dearing

Director of Migration Dialogues and Cooperation, ICMPD

Borut Eržen

Head of Programme, Border Management and Security, ICMPD

Emmanuel Laryea Kwei

Head, Border Management Department, Ghana Immigration Service

Capt. Sunny Paul Ogbeche

Comptroller Of Immigration, Nigeria Immigration Service

Petra Achbergerová

Director of Depart. of Migration and Integration, Migration Office of MoI

Duco van Heel

Vulnerable Groups Coordinator, Frontex

Dr. Ashraf Abushady

Senior Advisor on Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, United Nations

Ahmet Dalkıran

Head of Department, Ministry of Interior - Presidency of Migration Management

Monika Weber

Senior Advisor for BMS, ICMPD

Najet Jaouadi

Director General of Customs, Tunisian Customs

Brigadier General Amine Elkai

Brigadier General, Lebanese Armed Forces

Lukáš Vilím

Senior Officer, Police of the Czech Republic

Normunds Rudzitis

Assistant Professor, Riga Technical University

Georgiana Dornescu

Police Officer, Romania Passengers Information Unit/GIRBP

Tony Mihaitoaia

Senior Border Management Specialist, ICMPD

Charles Cofie Lumor

Principal Revenue Officer, Preventive Operations Customs Ghana

Thea Sogenbits

Chief Information Security Officer, Estonian Tax and Customs Board

Goran Stojkovski

Programme Manager, UNOCT

Monica Gariup

Senior Advisor on International Cooperation, Frontex

Jean-Yves Charriou

COLIBRI Project Manager, World Customs Organization

Rebecca Adeline

Border Management Specialist, ICMPD

Tamer Kılıç

Head of the Türkiye and Western Balkans Regional Office, ICMPD

Emanuel Preda

BMS Senior Adviser, ICMPD

Selin Barutcuoğlu

Portfolio Manager, ICMPD

William Huddleston

Project Manager, ICMPD

Vladimirs Zaguzovs

Representative, State Border Guard of the Republic of Latvia


Coming soon


Concept Notes

Concept Note - en
Concept Note - ru
Concept Note - ar
Concept Note - tr
Agenda - en
Agenda - ru
Agenda - ar
Agenda - tr
Speaker Biographies - en
Speaker Biographies - tr
Speaker Biographies - ru
Speaker Biographies - ar


1.1. Ghana: Mr. Emmanuel Laryea Kwei, Ghana Immigration Service: ‘’GIS Strategic Planning, a policy tool for setting directions and good practice in border management”
1.2. Nigeria: Mr. Paul Sunny Ogbeche, Nigeria Immigration Service: ‘Support to West African States to improve border governance/ security and management’
1.3. Slovakia: Ms. Petra Achbergerova, MoI: ‘Border management as a social challenge’
1.4. FRONTEX: Mr. Duco Van Heel: ‘Safe Borders, safe people. Fundamental Rights at the External Border’
1.5. UNIDO: Mr. Ashraf Abushady: "AI and Digital Innovations in Modern Border Management: Strategies for Enhanced Security and Efficiency"
2.1. Tunisia: Ms. Jaouadi Najet, Tunisia- Director General, Customs: ‘Tunisian Experience in Integrated Border Management’
2.3. Lebanon: Brigadier General Amine Elkai, Head of Border Control Committee, Lebanese Armed Forces: ‘Integration of border communities’
2.4. Czech Republic: Mr. Lukas Vilim: ‘Cyberspace as a new domain for border security and management’
2.5. Riga Technical University- Mr. Normunds Rudzitis, Acting Head of Customs and Tax Department: ‘Strategic Vision and Future Trends’
2.6. Romania: Ms. Georgiana Dornescu, Specialist Officer, MoI: ‘ROMANIAN PASSANGER INFORMATION UNIT development and way forward'
3.1. Ghana Revenue Authority, Mr. Charles Lumor: ’Joint Mobile Team Concept in Ghana’’
3.2. Estonia: Ms. Thea Sogenbits: ‘The integration of artificial intelligence in border management and its impact on border guard and customs processes’
3.3. UNOCT: Mr. Gorancho Stojkovski ’UN Countering Terrorist Travel Programme – partnership based global initiative’
3.4. FRONTEX: Ms. Monica Gariup- ‘What’s so special about European IBM? A guide for understanding key principles, concepts, and expectations’
3.5. WCO: Mr. Jean- Yves Charriou: ‘Stronger together to address General Aviation threat- the COLIBRI Project’
3.6. Migration Partnership Facility, Ms. Rebecca Adeline: ‘Funding opportunities for Borders & Security projects under the MPF Call for Proposals 2023’


Conference Summary